Home / Destinations / New York City Showtime Tour

July 07, 2025
Price: $2045
Days: 5
Status: Available

New York City Showtime Tour

When: July 7-11, 2025

If you like Broadway shows, historic venues and fun-filled learning experiences, this NYC tour is for you! In addition to seeing the main attractions of New York City, We'll see 2 Broadway musicals (Wicked and Hamilton) and participate in the Broadway Workshop, a song and dance class with a cast member just for our group. Our hotel's location right in Times Square makes for a real NYC experience. Visit New York City with us on this Broadway Showetime Tour and leave with an extra spring in your step and song in your heart! 

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We have been to New York City twice. LOVED both trips. The recent trip to NYC Showtime was fabulous as we got to see 3 Broadway shows (2 were included in the trip). Great fun. Merrill and Keith (bus driver) both did an excellent job. Can't wait for the next adventure.

Mike and PC K

Just a note to thank you for a spectacular Land Cruise to the Big Apple. We would be hard pressed to have a better time or a better Cruise Director!

Carol and Dave B.

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